Infants 3 - 12 months
Development/ Emergent Literacy • Experiments with sounds and babbling, building language skills • Uses voice to express feelings • Uses speech-like sounds; may begin to say words Mathematics • Exhibits some sense of size, color, and shape recognition of objects in immediate environment • Understands objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen • Stacks toys/objects Learning About the World/Science • Explores the world around them through their senses • Begins to explore food with hands • Becomes more aware of relationships Social Emotional Development • Begins learning self-regulation and soothing skills • Differentiates between known people and strangers • Plays more interactively with others (peek-a-boo) Approaches to Learning • Focuses and reaches for objects • Begins developing problem-solving skills • Enjoys repetition of activities, practicing and figuring out how things work Physical Health Development • Rolls over, grasps with both hands, and begins to sit with assistance • Builds large muscles through crawling and standing • Walks with adult support; may begin to walk alone |