Developmental Milestones for Pre-K
Development/ Emergent Literacy •Associates sounds with written words •Identifies at least 10 letters of alphabet •Writes name and familiar words Mathematics •Can match, sort, and regroup items •Makes comparisons between objects •Understands over, under, behind, etc. Learning About the World/Science •Participates in simple investigations •Begins to predict results based on past experiences •Collects, describes, and records information Social & Emotional Development •Expresses growing confidence in abilities •Increasing ability to compromise with others •Greater knowledge of community Approaches to Learning •Eager to learn about new ideas •Maintains concentration despite distractions •Increased ability to find more than one solution to a question or problem Physical & Health Development •Throws, catches, and bounces balls •Growing independence in personal hygiene •Uses pencils, markers, and paintbrushes with increased control |